

Design Solutions (Qld) is passionate about providing relevant, practical, appropriate and cost-effective solutions for not only the design, but also the implementation of construction solutions across all engineering disciplines.

Denis Brown, the Principal and registered engineer, has devoted more than 40 years to developing and honing his skills across the “built environment”.

Design Solutions (Qld) offers structural and civil engineering services for all stages in a project’s life cycle:

  • from concept to completion
  • from operation to maintenance
  • and to final demolition and site remediation.

Within this practice, there is in-depth knowledge and experience across a very broad range of project types. Denis has practised in the areas of:

  • State road authority work
  • Local government work
  • Statutory authority work in power, water and waste water
  • Industrial, commercial, office, residential, small lot housing, and ‘green street’ development
  • High rise, medium rise and low rise projects
  • Education facilities across the whole spectrum, from early childhood through to primary, secondary and university facilities
  • Medical facilities including aged care, nursing homes, hospitals and medical practices.

Denis understands projects, having developed these from needs analysis, finance, costing, design, construction, sales and marketing to completion and “key hand-over”.